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1211, 2022

52º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología

Oral communication C Jimenez, D Valencia , Mo Lopez, Me Gonzalez, Ma Moreno, A De Santos, A Ortega, T Diez, I Portero, A Sánchez-fructuoso. “Caracterización de los parámetros del Immunobiogram, un nuevo método para la medida in [...]

310, 2022

The TRANSBIO study demonstrates the usefulness of Immunobiogram® for predicting the response to different immunosuppressive treatments in transplant recipients

The results have been published in the high-impact journal Transplant immunology. TRANSBIO, a multicenter, international clinical study, has demonstrated the correlation of the in-vitro measurement of the patient's pharmacodynamic response to immunosuppressive drugs, using the Immunobiogram® diagnostic [...]